cruel person<\/em>. The one and only thing that she cares about is her own personal gratification. Nothing else matters to her, especially not the thoughts and feelings of other people. She doesn't use any form of rationalization to convince herself that she is justified in harming others; the pure enjoyment she gets from doing so is reason enough.<\/p>\n\nWith that said, Hoshiko understands the importance of keeping her urges and actions secret from others, so she has mastered the art of being a social chameleon and pretending to be a normal, well-adjusted person. It is only when she is alone with a victim that her true, sadistic nature is revealed. The other bullies are the only people that she feels comfortable being \"her true self\" around.<\/p>\n\n
When Hoshiko and the rest of the bullies are ganging up on a victim, Hoshiko often tries to convince the other bullies to do things like burn their victim with lit cigarettes. The other bullies always have to talk her out of it. If Hoshiko was the boss instead of Musume, each of their victims would have permanent scars.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Groups"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/bullies-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/bullies.png","name":"Group"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/daughter-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/daughter.png","name":"Musume"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/candy-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/candy.png","name":"Kashiko"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/flower-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/flower.png","name":"Hana"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/heart-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/heart.png","name":"Kokoro"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/star-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/star.png","name":"Hoshiko"}]},{"name":"Delinquents","role":"Group","status":"Active","personality":"Tough","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Compassion","description":"
Yandere Simulator's story takes place during Ayano's 2nd year at Akademi. During the previous year, there were five students at Akademi who were subjected to severe bullying. The school faculty was informed about the bullying, but none of the victims were able to provide concrete evidence that the bullying had been taking place, so the faculty refused to take action. The bullying eventually became so severe that the victims were considering a suicide pact. However, before this could take place, the victims witnessed something extraordinary that saved them from a self-destructive path.<\/p>\n\n
One day, outside of the entrance to the school, the bullied victims witnessed one of their fellow students - Osoro Shidesu - single-handedly fight off a group of violent aggressors from another school. Against all odds, Osoro actually managed to defeat all of her opponents, despite their superior numbers. Instantly, Osoro became an icon to them - a physical embodiment of the idea that a single person can stand against a group of tormentors and prevail. From that day forward, the bullied victims idolized Osoro.<\/p>\n\n
Osoro had demonstrated that violence was a viable solution to their problems, and that a fearsome reputation would keep their enemies away. The five bullied students began imitating Osoro; they started acting gruff, unfriendly, and standoffish, exactly like her. They dyed their hair blonde, just like hers. They styled their hair to give themselves the appearances of rebellious punks, and began carrying long, blunt objects at all times. They began showing up late to class, disrespecting faculty members, and so forth.<\/p>\n\n
Those five boys were originally targeted by bullies because they were the meekest students at school - and now they had become the exact opposite. Needless to say, the bullying stopped...but at a cost. The rest of the students at school began to fear them and avoid them, referring to them as \"the delinquents.\" This was exactly what they wanted; they'd much rather be feared and hated than be bullied and victimized. However, the faculty and the headmaster began to view them as a growing problem.<\/p>\n\n
The headmaster refused to accept the presence of delinquents at a prestigious school like Akademi. In a faculty meeting, he announced that he was going to expel them all, including Osoro, purely for being a negative influence. However, the guidance counselor stopped him. She regretted not stepping in and taking action while they were being bullied, and insisted on being given a chance to reform the delinquents, rather than simply expelling them without trying anything else first.<\/p>\n\n
The guidance counselor and the headmaster were able to reach an agreement: the faculty and the student council will tolerate the delinquents' behavior for a period of 10 weeks, and give the counselor a chance to reform them. However, this arrangement comes at a cost: if the counselor is unable to reform the delinquents within 10 weeks, she will be dismissed from the school.<\/p>\n\n
The counselor recognized that it would be difficult to reform the delinquents while their biggest influence - Osoro - was still present at school. The next time that Osoro slipped up, the counselor expelled her for a period of 8 weeks.<\/p>\n\n
Will the counselor be able to reform the delinquents before the deadline? Only time will tell.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Groups"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/delinquents-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/delinquents.png","name":"Group"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eye-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eye.png","name":"Umeji"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/cheek-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/cheek.png","name":"Hokuto"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/forehead-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/forehead.png","name":"Gaku"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/nose-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/nose.png","name":"Hayanari"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/mouth-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/mouth.png","name":"Dairoku"}]},{"name":"Student Council","role":"Authority","status":"Active","personality":"Strict","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"?????","description":"
Megami Saikou, the Student Council President, strives for excellence in all things. She settles for nothing less than the best, so has put together a student council comprised of the most elite students in school.<\/p>\n\n
Kuroko Kamenaga was the school's previous student council president. She was defeated by Megami in the most recent student council election. However, Megami acknowledged that Kuroko was the second-best person for the job, and offered her the role of vice president. Kuroko accepted the offer.<\/p>\n\n
While Megami is absent from school, Kuroko is in charge of Megami's presidential duties. In short, Kuroko fills the role of student council president while Megami is gone. Kuroko is known for being formal at all times, which is reflected in the way she stands, walks and speaks.<\/p>\n\n
Akane Toriyasu is the Secretary of the student council. She's known for her gentle and friendly personality, but is also known for being a bit of an airhead - which makes it a mystery why Megami decided to appoint her to the Student Council.<\/p>\n\n
As one of the most beautiful girls in school, Akane has a very large number of male admirers. often, her presence alone is enough to diffuse a troublesome situation. Perhaps this may be part of the reason why Megami decided to include her on the Student Council.<\/p>\n\n
Aoi Ryugoku is the Enforcer of the Student Council. That means her job is to maintain peace throughout the school. She is a very physically imposing person, so it's no mystery why Megami chose her for this position. However, she's been known to take her job a little too seriously.<\/p>\n\n
There are a handful of students at school who hide one of their eyes for some personal reason, but Aoi is currently the only student who is 100% confirmed to actually be missing an eye. As of now, there are only two students at school who know how Aoi lost her eye.<\/p>\n\n
Shiromi Torayoshi is the treasurer of the student council. She's a peculiar young woman whose intentions are never clear. She is known for smiling at almost every hour of the day, in every type of situation, which is unsettling to some students.<\/p>\n\n
Shiromi is an enigma; very few students know anything about her. Just about the only thing that anyone knows for certain is that she is very eccentric, and takes pleasure in performing harmless pranks on other students.<\/p>\n\n
Megami has reason to believe that there is \"a dangerous person\" on school grounds, so she has warned the Student Council to be extremely cautious over the next 10 weeks, and has authorized them to carry pepper spray on school grounds. As a result of Megami's warning, the Student Council are much more alert than other students, and will bust out a can of pepper spray at the slightest sign that their lives may be in danger.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Groups"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/council-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/council.png","name":"Council"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/goddess-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/goddess.png","name":"President"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/turtle-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/turtle.png","name":"Vice President"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/bird-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/bird.png","name":"Secretary"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/dragon-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/dragon.png","name":"Enforcer"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/tiger-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/tiger.png","name":"Treasurer"}]},{"name":"Midori","role":"Student","status":"Alive","personality":"Inquisitive","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Herself","description":"
A very curious and inquisitive girl.<\/p>\n\n
She has gained a reputation for constantly asking foolish questions, which can often irritate her teachers and fellow classmates.<\/p>\n\n
Claims that she is a video game character who can see beyond the fourth wall of the game she's in, but has given up trying to convince people to believe her.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Other"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/green-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/green.png","name":"Normal"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/green-text-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/green-text.png","name":"Texting"}]},{"name":"Mae Kunahito","role":"Guidance Counselor","status":"Faculty","personality":"Strict Disciplinarian","appearance":"1989","weakness":"None","description":"
Mae Kunahito is the mother of Genka Kunahito.<\/p>\n\n
Mae served as the guidance counselor at Akademi for 30 years. During that time, she provided invaluable guidance to countless young men and women who were struggling with various difficulties in their lives.<\/p>\n\n
As a result of making a meaningful impact on the lives of innumerable people, she made countless connections across a wide range of different industries, and gained a certain degree of fame and recognition for excellence in her field.<\/p>\n\n
As a result of her prestigious reputation, it was very common for academic institutions to ask her to host seminars on the subject of assisting and advising students about academic and personal decisions.<\/p>\n\n
Her accomplishments left a very strong impression on her daughter, who frequently compared herself to her own mother, and gradually developed an insecurity complex, fearing that she would never be able to match up to her widely-respected parent.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/counselor-mom-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/counselor-mom.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Jokichi Yudasei","role":"Student","status":"Single","personality":"Ladies' Man","appearance":"1989","weakness":"Money and Gravure Idols","description":"
Jokichi Yudasei is a charming and flirtatious young man who has become quite popular among the female population of Akademi.<\/p>\n\n
His dashing good looks and charisma are enough to capture the heart of almost any young woman.<\/p>\n\n
Even though he gives off the aura of a playboy or a ladies' man, he's actually quite inexperienced with women.<\/p>\n\n
Tired of being single, he's on the prowl and looking for Ms. Right.<\/p>\n\n
However, it seems that every time he gets close to a girl, an unexpected event suddenly removes the girl from his life...<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/father-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/father.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Kaguya Wakaizumi","role":"Senpai's New Friend","status":"Rival","personality":"Cutesy","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Rejection","description":"
Kaguya is a a bubbly and cheerful girl who loves to make new friends.<\/p>\n\n
She spends most of her time in the school plaza chatting with a group of students that have been nicknamed \"The Rainbow Girls\" because every one of them has differently-colored hair.<\/p>\n\n
With her unique bright pink hair, Kaguya is hoping that she can become the latest addition to the rainbow crew.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-1-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-1.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Moeko Rakuyona","role":"Senpai's New Friend","status":"Rival","personality":"Tomboy","appearance":"Week 2","weakness":"Fire","description":"
Moeko is a spunky tomboy who feels more comfortable around boys than girls, and tends to spend most of her time hanging out with guys.<\/p>\n\n
She has an insecurity complex regarding males; she constantly feels the need to \"prove herself\" to the men around her, and show them that girls can be just as tough as boys.<\/p>\n\n
She is rumored to have a secret ''dangerous'' hobby that she could get in a lot of trouble for, but nobody has been able to prove the accusation yet...<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-2-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-2.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Honami Hodoshima","role":"School Librarian","status":"Rival","personality":"Shy Bookworm","appearance":"Week 3","weakness":"Heavy Objects","description":"
Honami is a shy and nerdy girl who spends nearly all of her time reading books.<\/p>\n\n
She loves reading more than anything else, and has volunteered to be the school's librarian.<\/p>\n\n
She is extremely timid and has a very difficult time with social interactions, often stuttering and failing to finish her sentences properly.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-3-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-3.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Sumiko Tachibana","role":"Up-And-Coming Athlete","status":"Rival","personality":"Health-Conscious","appearance":"Week 4","weakness":"Unhealthy Food","description":"
Sumiko is a sporty girl who is training hard to be a career athlete.<\/p>\n\n
She's extremely serious about eating healthy and getting lots of exercise.<\/p>\n\n
Known to go to great lengths to attempt to convince others to adopt her own lifestyle choices.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-4-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-4.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Ritsuko Chikanari","role":"Senpai's New Friend","status":"Rival","personality":"Rich Snob","appearance":"Week 5","weakness":"Water","description":"
Ritsuko is a snobby rich girl from one of Japan's wealthiest families. Her father is the founder and CEO of Chikanari Heavy Industries, which is known for supplying Saikou Corp with many of the materials needed for their electronic products.<\/p>\n\n
It's an \"open secret\" that she has absolutely no intention whatsoever of getting a proper education at Akademi, and is only attending the school in order to attain the prestigious title of being an Akademi graduate.<\/p>\n\n
She spends her days sunbathing at the school pool instead of studying. Her \"I don't care what anyone thinks\" attitude has earned her a degree of respect from her peers, and a small number of girls are now beginning to act exactly like her, sunbathing at the pool alongside her.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-5-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-5.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Ai Doruyashi","role":"Up-And-Coming Idol","status":"Rival","personality":"Genki Girl","appearance":"Week 6","weakness":"Electricity","description":"
A friendly and energetic girl who dreams of becoming a pop star one day.<\/p>\n\n
She is fully dedicated to her dream of being an idol, and is always seeking experiences that will inspire her to write the lyrics for her next song.<\/p>\n\n
She's so serious about becoming a singer that she has set up a stage in the school gym and spends most of her time there rehearsing her performances, with help from some girls from the Light Music Club.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-6-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-6.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Teiko Nabatasai","role":"Top Student","status":"Rival","personality":"Studious","appearance":"Week 7","weakness":"False Accusations","description":"
Teiko is Akademi's top student; the smartest girl in school.<\/p>\n\n
She is known for achieving perfect scores on every test and obtaining flawless grades in every school subject.<\/p>\n\n
Her prodigical intelligence is widely recognized, and she is sometimes invited to universities in foreign countries to give speeches about various academic subjects.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-7-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-7.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Komako Funakoshi","role":"Senpai's New Friend","status":"Rival","personality":"Yamato Nadeshiko","appearance":"Week 8","weakness":"Gossip","description":"
Komako is an elegant and beautiful young woman who is considered to be the most popular girl at Akademi.<\/p>\n\n
She is considered to embody all of the traits that are associated with the \"ideal Japanese wife\" - being kind, gentle, graceful, humble, patient, virtuous, respectful, benevolent, honest, charitable, faithful, etc.<\/p>\n\n
She is constantly surrounded by girls who want to learn how to be more like her, and boys who want to admire her.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-8-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-8.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Chigusa Busujima","role":"Gravure Idol","status":"Rival","personality":"Coy and Flirtatious","appearance":"Week 9","weakness":"Boys","description":"
Chigusa is an exceptionally attractive girl who has risen to minor stardom as a \"gravure idol.\"<\/p>\n\n
Despite the fact that she only started her career very recently, she has already been featured in numerous magazines and has become very well-known amongst the young men of Japan.<\/p>\n\n
She has countless male admirers at school who follow her nearly everywhere she goes, unable to resist admiring her beauty for as long as they can.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-9-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-9.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Sonoko Sakanoue","role":"Junior Detective","status":"Rival","personality":"Serious","appearance":"Week 10","weakness":"?????","description":"
From 1985 to 1988, police were perplexed by a string of seemingly unsolvable murders taking place in Tokyo. After each murder, the police received an anonymous letter from a man who claimed responsibility for the crimes, and spelled the name of his next victim using a complicated cipher.<\/p>\n\n
Eventually, the police started releasing the killer's letters to the public in the hopes that someone would be able to solve the killer's cipher and decode the name of his next victim. While attending Akademi in 1988, Sonoko Sakanoue started studying the killer's cipher as a hobby.<\/p>\n\n
After many long nights, Sonoko cracked the code and figured out the killer's cipher. She was then able to warn the police who the killer was planning to kill next. After this, the police acknowledged her as a prodigy who could potentially help them solve the case, and formally requested her assistance with the investigation, even granting her access to the crime scenes and evidence.<\/p>\n\n
Sonoko discovered several new clues and put together some puzzle pieces that the police weren't able to figure out on their own, which eventually led to the arrest of the serial killer. If it wasn't for her help, the killer might have taken dozens of lives before he was eventually caught.<\/p>\n\n
Once her accomplishments were announced to the public, Sonoko instantly became a national celebrity, and was interviewed by countless talk shows and magazines.<\/p>\n\n
The primary reason to attend Akademi is to further one's changes of a successful career. However, Sonoko's accomplishments had already done more for her future career than Akademi ever could, so remaining at Akademi was pointless. Sonoko withdrew from the school without graduating and launched directly into a career as a junior detective. Over the course of the next 12 months, she would help the police solve numerous high-profile crimes.<\/p>\n\n
One day, while investigating a crime, Sonoko encountered an investigative journalist who provided her with information that helped her solve the case. Sonoko was so impressed with the journalist's investigative abilities that she asked him to take her as his apprentice.<\/p>\n\n
Sonoko and the journalist worked together as a crime-solving duo, leading to the arrests of numerous criminals. The journalist preferred to stay out of the spotlight, willfully letting Sonoko take all the credit.<\/p>\n\n
One day, Sonoko's mentor asked her to return to Akademi - but not to finish her education. He wanted her to investigate the possibility that a serial killer was present at Akademi, killing any girl who attempted to get close to a specific boy.<\/p>\n\n
Sonoko accepted the job, and has come up with a plan to determine whether or not anyone is sabotaging the boy's love life...<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Eighties"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-10-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/eighties-10.png","name":""}]},{"name":"Kiyoko Tatsuhara","role":"Bodyguard","status":"Active","personality":"Hot-Blooded","appearance":"?????","weakness":"?????","description":"
Several years ago, Kiyoko Tatsuhara was a student at Akademi. Because of her strong sense of justice - and her tall, muscular build - the Student Council President identified her as a perfect candidate for the role of \"Enforcer\" on the Student Council. She eagerly accepted the position, and for the next three years, Kiyoko worked tirelessly to make Akademi a safe and peaceful place.<\/p>\n\n
Although the primary purpose of Akademi is to be an educational institution, it also serves a secondary purpose for the organization that funds it - Saikou Corp. The premise of \"an elite school for gifted young prodigies\" provides Saikou Corp with a convenient way to gather talented people in one location where they can be observed and judged. If Saikou Corp determines that a student has exceptional skills and would be an indispensable employee, they are invited to join the company immediately after graduation. Many young men and women with genius-level intellect have been recruited into Saikou Corp this way.<\/p>\n\n
However, intelligence is not the only metric that a student is judged by. Kiyoko's grades were lower than most, but her personal values, physical stature, and years of experience keeping Akademi safe made her a prime candidate to become a security guard at Saikou Corp.<\/p>\n\n
Saisho Saikou put a lot of time, money, and effort into shaping his children and grandchildren into exactly the type of people he wanted them to be, and did not wish to see his hard work destroyed due to a family member suffering a premature death. He developed a solution that was cruel, yet effective; he forced his grandchildren - Megami and Kencho - to live under very abnormal circumstances: once a day, they would experience a fake \"assassination attempt.\" On a daily basis, a random Saikou employee - sometimes a janitor, sometimes a chairman - would be given the task of \"stabbing\" Megami or Kencho with a fake knife. If the \"assassin\" could succeed, they would be awarded with the equivalent of one million USD. These circumstances gradually trained the two children to suspect deception and betrayal from everyone they encountered. Over the years, Kencho has \"died\" ten times. Megami has never \"died\" once.<\/p>\n\n
After Kiyoko graduated from Akademi, Saikou Corp immediately attempted to recruit her, and invited her to visit their corporate headquarters to have a tour of the building that she would potentially be working in. During this tour, Kiyoko witnessed a young Megami being approached by a janitor holding a \"knife.\" Immediately, Kiyoko leapt into action and subdued the janitor, breaking several of his bones in the process.<\/p>\n\n
Saikou Corp's Chief Security Officer immediately decided that Kiyoko should not become a security guard working for Saikou Corp; instead, he suggested that Kiyoko should become one of Megami's personal bodyguards.<\/p>\n\n
Kiyoko accepted the offer, and - after a period of \"Close Protection Training\" - became a member of Megami's security detail. Over the next few years, her work ethic impressed Megami numerous times, which eventually earned her a prestigious honor: Megami decided that Kiyoko should be promoted from being a mere bodyguard to being the leader of her entire security detail.<\/p>\n\n
As of now, in 202X, Kiyoko is in charge of every critical task related to protecting Megami's life: planning and coordination, risk assessment, team management, monitoring and surveillance, protocol enforcement, and anything else that she deems necessary to keep the heiress' life safe.<\/p>\n\n
Megami has always insisted that neither Kiyoko nor any of her bodyguards should be present at Akademi; she would not want a team of bodyguards to disrupt the school atmosphere. She currently has no plans to permit Kiyoko anywhere near Akademi...<\/p>\n\n
...however, plans can always change.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberrydreamer","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/gold-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/gold.png","name":"202X"}]},{"name":"Rokuda Loans","role":"Potential Tool","status":"Alive","personality":"Shady","appearance":"Week 3","weakness":"Daughter","description":"
Rokuda Loans is a money-lending business headquartered in Buraza Town. The business was founded sometime in the 1990s by Mr. Rokuda. The business specializes in both personal loans and business loans, and has clients in multiple towns and cities.<\/p>\n\n
Mr. Rokuda loans money at extremely high interest rates, and often uses threats of violence to collect debts. His interest rates are well above the established legal rate, but legal loopholes are used to avoid encountering problems with law enforcement. He is commonly referred to as a \"Loan Shark\" - pronounced as \"Ronshaku\" in Japanese - which has caused some people to refer to his business as \"Ronshaku Loans\" rather than its proper name.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n\nHis shady business practices have made him a tremendous amount of money, but have also caused many people to develop strong personal grudges against him. To protect himself, Mr. Rokuda employs several bodyguards. To enforce his threats of violence, most of his employees are physically intimidating men who are willing - sometimes even eager <\/em>- to engage in various kinds of illegal activities on behalf of their boss. These men are referred to as his \"henchmen\" and sometimes as his \"goons.\"<\/p>\n\nTwo of these henchmen have proven themselves to be indespensible to the operation of Rokuda Loans, each of whom have different methods of extracting money from uncooperative clients. One of them - nicknamed \"The Weasel\" - derives sadistic pleasure from using violence to wring money out of anyone who owes money to Mr. Rokuda. The other - nicknamed \"The Snake\" - specializes in using psychological and emotional manipulation to trick people into doing whatever is in Mr. Rokuda's best interest.<\/p>\n\n
Mr. Rokuda spends much of his money buying expensive gifts for his daughter, Mutsumi Rokuda. Showering his daughter with gifts has turned her into a spoiled and entitled brat, but he is blind to her true nature and can only see her as his precious and perfect little daughter.<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberryart","groups":["Groups"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/trio-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/trio.png","name":"Rokuda Loans"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/shark-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/shark.png","name":"Mr. Rokuda"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/weasel-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/weasel.png","name":"Goon #1"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/snake-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/snake.png","name":"Goon #2"}]},{"name":"Basu Sisters","role":"?????","status":"?????","personality":"?????","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"?????","description":"
Sakyu Basu and her younger half-sister, Inkyu Basu, are a pair of young women who recently enrolled in Akademi. Their scores on the entrance exam were exceptionally high, as if they possessed knowledge far beyond their apparent ages. However, after classes began, their academic performance dropped to an average level, as if they were attempting to avoid drawing attention to themselves.<\/p>\n\n
Sakyu's calm and mature nature contrasts greatly against the energetic and childlike behavior of her younger sister. Although both young women are friendly enough when approached by others, they usually keep to themselves, preferring each other's company above anything else. Despite their friendly demeanor, there are many students at Akademi who feel inexplicably intimidated by them.<\/p>\n\n
When asked why they chose to attend Akademi, they always provide the same answer: \"We're looking for something.\" This woefully short reply is far too vague to adequately satisfy the curiosity of anyone who wants to learn more about them. However, no matter how much they are begged to elaborate, they refuse to say anything more about their intentions at Akademi.<\/p>\n\n
It may be worth noting that, on one occasion, when asked why she chose to attend Akademi, Inkyu misspoke. Instead of giving the usual answer - \"We're looking for something\" - she instead said something else:<\/p>\n\n
\"We're looking for someone.\"<\/p>","illustrator":"Anonymous","illustratorUrl":"","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/succubus-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/succubus.png","name":"Sakyu Basu"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/vampire-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/vampire.png","name":"Inkyu Basu"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/succubus-portrait-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/succubus-portrait.png","name":"Sakyu Portrait"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/vampire-portrait-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/vampire-portrait.png","name":"Inkyu Portrait"}]},{"name":"Cousin","role":"Mentor","status":"Already Won","personality":"Smug and Sadistic","appearance":"?????","weakness":"Arrogance","description":"
Ayano's mother, Ryoba, has a sister who found her Senpai in the year 1994.<\/p>\n\n
Most Aishi choose to start a family very soon after finding their Senpai. Ryoba and her sister are two noteworthy exceptions; both of them waited more than a decade before they finally decided to have children.<\/p>\n\n
Ayano's cousin was born one year before her. She has already found her Senpai and entered a relationship with him. She has extensive knowledge about how to commit murder and get away with it - moreso than most other Aishi.<\/p>\n\n
The first woman to be born with the Aishi Condition lived in the early 1800s. She was nearly emotionless, and was almost completely apathetic; more like a statue or a doll than a living being. However, with each new generation, the Aishi Condition weakens and becomes a lesser version of what it originally was. Each new generation of Aishi has a greater capacity to feel emotions and develop a personality. As the years pass, each new generation of Aishi is less like the original.<\/p>\n\n
The one exception to this is Ayano, who is the first Aishi in centuries to experience the Aishi Condition almost as acutely as her ancestor from the 1800s. She does not express emotions or demonstrate a personality unless it's necessary to do so in order to \"fit in\" with the rest of society. Some of Ryoba's family members have theorized that this is because Ryoba waited so long to have children. However, that theory cannot possibly be correct, because there is a strong piece of counter-evidence: Ayano's cousin.<\/p>\n\n
Ayano's cousin is from the same \"generation\" as Ayano, and her mother also waited many years to give birth. However, Ayano's cousin has a very distinct personality, and is extremely expressive. This debunks the theory that an Aishi who waits a long time to have children is dooming their offspring to experience a stronger version of the Aishi Condition.<\/p>\n\n
Her extraordinary expertise in getting away with crimes has caused her to develop a very high opinion of herself and her abilities. When in the company of other Aishi, she will often brag about her skills and boast about the many murders and other felonies that she will never be found guilty of. (Some of her family members find her smug and snarky personality to be distasteful, but they still respect her accomplishments.)<\/p>\n\n
Ayano's cousin developed a strong interest in fashion, and will often mix-and-match elements of goth, punk, and emo fashion styles. She cannot feel comfortable without at least two colors of fingernail polish, three accessories around her neck, four belts somewhere on her body, and five chains incorporated into her outfit. She rejects all colors that are not black, red, or pink. Symmetry bores her to death.<\/p>\n\n
Although most members of the Aishi family are murderers, many of them will only consider taking the life of another human being if it's necessary in order to prevent someone from taking their Senpai away from them. However, Ayano's cousin is different; she has a sadistic streak, and has been known to kill for personal reasons, rather than out of necessity. She does not respond well when she is treated with disrespect; people who are rude towards her often become the victims of very unfortunate \"accidents.\"<\/p>\n\n
When she is not spending time with her Senpai, she enjoys visiting other Aishi and giving them unsolicited criticism and advice. On many occasions, she has offered to train Ayano in the ways of murder. In the past, Ayano has always declined these offers. However, now that Ayano has met her Senpai, there is a possibility that she will contact her cousin and request her advice in the future...<\/p>","illustrator":"Mulberry","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/mulberrydreamer","groups":["Aishi"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-jacket-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-jacket.png","name":"Jacket"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-pink-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-pink.png","name":"No Jacket"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-black-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/cousin-black.png","name":"All Black"}]},{"name":"Kokona Haruka","role":"Test Dummy","status":"Alive","personality":"Social Butterfly","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Provocation","description":"
Kokona Haruka is a cheerful and friendly young woman who participates in the Drama Club at Akademi.<\/p>\n\n
She is known around school for her eagerness to help others in need. If the Cooking Club needs someone to taste-test a new dish, she is the first to raise her hand. If the Science Club needs a test subject for their latest dangerous experiment, she volunteers without hesitation. This has led a few students to give her unflattering nicknames such as \"test dummy\" and \"guinea pig,\" but she doesn't really see this as anything to be ashamed of.<\/p>\n\n
There was once a point in time when she had a crush on Taro Yamada, but it was short-lived; she realized that the two of them had nothing in common, and moved on. It is very fortunate that she did not decide to pursue him; if she had remained interested in him, her life would have been in grave danger the following year, when Ayano developed an infatuation with Taro.<\/p>\n\n
Kokona joined the Drama Club because of her deep admiration for the club's leader, Kizana Sunobu. (This admiration runs so deep that Kokona is willing to tolerate or outright ignore Kizana's numerous personality flaws.) Kokona's \"twin drill\" hairstyle was inspired by Kizana, who often styles her hair into very large ringlets.<\/p>\n\n
Kizana chooses to style her hair differently every day of the week, rather than commit to one hairstyle. She does not feel offended that Kokona has chosen to use one of her hairstyles - however, Kizana values originality and creativity, so she feels that Kokona should develop her own original style rather than imitate what she sees others doing.<\/p>\n\n
Kokona enjoys stageplays immensely, and has begun writing a play of her own - a story about a serial killer. Despite the fact that Kokona is a very bubbly and lighthearted person, her serial killer play is actually quite dark and morbid, which surprised her fellow clubmembers a lot. Kizana considers Kokona's play to be distasteful, and has strongly discouraged her from pursuing it.<\/p>\n\n
Because of her cheery attitude, nobody would ever guess that there are numerous problems in Kokona's life; her father is in debt to a loan shark, and the amount of money he owes is astronomical. In an attempt to help her father, Kokona has recently begun to participate in \"enjo k\u014dsai\" - the practice of dating older men in exchange for money and gifts. She gives the money she earns to her father.<\/p>\n\n
Kokona is completely unaware that one of the other students at school is actually the daughter of the loan shark that is extorting her father. Despite her friendly nature, Kokona feels such intense anger towards that loan shark that - if manipulated or provoked in the right way - it's entirely possible that she could be convinced to harm or even kill the daughter of that loan shark...<\/p>","illustrator":"KattyStarlitt","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/kattystarlitt","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/kokona-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/kokona.png","name":"Kokona"}]},{"name":"Dozuki Aishi","role":"Neglectful Mother","status":"Alive","personality":"Selfish","appearance":"1989","weakness":"Hard Work","description":"
Dozuki Aishi was born in 1950 to a pair of extremely wealthy parents. Dozuki's mother worked a highly-demanding job that required her to frequently travel overseas for long periods of time, which caused her to be absent for most of Dozuki's childhood. Dozuki's mother tried to compensate for her lengthy absences by spoiling her daughter as much as possible whenever she had the opportunity; she showered Dozuki with gifts and praise as often as possible, and never said \"no\" to anything that her daughter requested. As a result, Dozuki developed into a very spoiled young woman who was accustomed to having everything she wanted handed to her on a silver platter without ever working for it.<\/p>\n\n
Like all other members of her bloodline, Dozuki is afflicted with the \"Aishi Condition,\" a disorder which causes her to feel a perpetual sensation of emptiness, as if something crucial is missing from her life. In 1967, while attending high school, Dozuki came into physical contact with a young man whose presence could mysteriously alleviate the symptoms of her condition. Dubbing this young man her \"Senpai,\" Dozuki was determined to turn him into her lifelong companion - however, there were other girls vying for his attention, and Dozuki had no experience with romance. It appeared as though wooing this young man would require hard work, which Dozuki was firmly opposed to.<\/p>\n\n
As usual, Dozuki went crying to her mother and begged her for a solution. By this point in time, Dozuki's mother had retired from her highly-demanding job, and could afford to spend all of her time (and vast fortune) doting on her daughter. She decided that the most efficient way to fulfill Dozuki's needs was to kidnap her Senpai, break his spirit, and turn him into a sort of \"pet.\" To accomplish this, she would need two things: time and privacy. After considering all of her options, she ultimately reached the conclusion that the only way to accomplish her goal in complete secrecy would require an addition to her house: a basement.<\/p>\n\n
In Japan, homes typically do not have basements due to earthquake concerns, flooding risks, and cultural preferences. Dozuki did not wish for local authorities to be aware that she was adding a basement to her home - since it would only be used for illegal purposes and could be a liability for her in the event of a police investigation - and so it was constructed in complete secrecy with the assistance of foreigners who were paid handsomely to stay silent about what they were building. Despite the numerous difficulties in accomplishing this task, the basement was constructed within a year's time. Immediately after its completion, Dozuki's Senpai was kidnapped and imprisoned there.<\/p>\n\n
During the 1800s, one of Dozuki's ancestors discovered a torture technique that could \"break\" a person mentally. The technique does not involve physical pain; it would be most accurate to describe it as a form of hypnosis. The Aishi hypnotizes the victim into thinking that they are experiencing various types of extreme physical torture; having their fingernails torn out, having every bone in their body broken one by one, having their organs removed from their torso, being lit on fire, being drowned, etc. In reality, absolutely nothing is happening to the victim. However, in the victim's mind, they are undergoing all of the most physically painful experiences imaginable.
\nThroughout this process, the Aishi is also doing something else - giving the victim hope that they can escape, and then yanking the hope away. The cycle of providing hope and squashing hope gradually conditions the victim to believe that there is no reason to consider resistance or imagine a better future. Once the victim is completely convinced that there is no hope, and that their life is already over, their mind enters a \"malleable\" state where they can be re-shaped into anything their captor wishes for them to be - even a pet. This is exactly what Dozuki did to her Senpai; she deliberately transformed him into a shell of a man with no will of his own - a \"mind-broken slave.\"<\/p>\n\n
With her mind-broken \"husband\" at her side, Dozuki's easy life continued as before; she lived as selfishly as possible, relied on her doting mother for all of her needs, and never worked a day in her life. In 1971, she gave birth to her first daughter, Ryoba. Dozuki had absolutely no interest in childrearing, and let her mother and husband raise the child, while doing only the bare minimum amount of work that was required of her. In 1976, she gave birth for the second and last time. Ryoba, who resented her mother for being lazy and selfish, and did not want to see her grandmother's workload increase, took it upon herself to care for her younger sister.<\/p>\n\n
For many years, Dozuki, her mother, her father, her husband, and her two daughters all lived under the same roof. However, once Ryoba found her own \"Senpai\" and eventually brought him into their home, Dozuki decided that the house had become too crowded, and that it was time for a change. However, instead of simply kicking Ryoba and her soulmate out of the house, Dozuki decided to relocate to Tokyo. She - along with her parents, husband, and daughter - moved out of Buraza Town, leaving Ryoba and her Senpai alone together in their old house. Now residing in Tokyo, Dozuki continues to live comfortably and selfishly, with her elderly mother still taking care of all her needs.<\/p>","illustrator":"KattyStarlitt","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/kattystarlitt","groups":["Aishi"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/grandma-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/grandma.png","name":"1989"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/grandma-young-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/grandma-young.png","name":"1968"}]},{"name":"Sutemi Okada","role":"Stalker","status":"Alive","personality":"Obsessive","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Moving out and getting a job","description":"
Sutemi Okada is a hikkikomori - a social recluse who refuses to pursue employment or education, and spends his days playing video games and watching anime. His parents reluctantly permit him to live in their house as a freeloader, partially because they know he would never survive if they kicked him out, and partially because they feel responsible for his shortcomings.<\/p>\n\n
Sutemi's darkest secret is that he is physically attracted to his own biological sister. She is not aware of his feelings, but she still finds him repulsive anyway, because of his inability to socialize normally. She strongly prefers to avoid him whenever possible, which isn't difficult, because he usually spends entire weeks secluded inside of his bedroom, only leaving to use the bathroom.<\/p>\n\n
Because he knows that his sister is off-limits to him, he has directed his feelings towards a popular anime character named \"Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki\" who physically resembles his sister. What began as an appreciation of the character slowly grew into an extreme hyperfixation, and then eventually developed into a psychotic obsession; he even converted his entire room into a \"shrine\" to Miyuki.<\/p>\n\n
One day, during a trip to obtain some new Miyuki merchandise - one of the only circumstances that could ever cause him to leave his house - he witnessed Osana Najimi, a young woman attending the nearby Akademi Academy, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Miyuki. He saw her as a \"portal\" through which Miyuki could enter the real world; a way to make his \"waifu\" become real and tangible.<\/p>\n\n
Sutemi stalked Osana until he had followed her all the way to her home. Desperate to interact with her, but unwilling to do so in person, he contacted the information broker known as \"Info-chan\" and paid her generously for Osana's phone number. Once he had it, he texted her incessantly, professing his love for her. Osana was disturbed by these messages, and commanded him to stop - to no avail.<\/p>\n\n
A few days later, while spying on Osana's home, Sutemi noticed her pet kitten through a window. The sight of the animal inspired him to design a twisted plan to \"kidnap\" Osana's cat and force her to obey his commands in exchange for the feline's safety. The following day, he successfully snuck into her house through an unlocked window, stole the cat, and took it back to his home in a pet carrier.<\/p>\n\n
With the cat safely in his possession, Sutemi is confident that he can convince Osana to meet with him, whereupon he will romance her, convince her to move in with him, and dress her in Miyuki cosplay for eternity. However, he has no idea how to care for a cat, no plan if Osana refuses to cooperate, and no clue how he is going to keep any of this a secret from his parents.<\/p>\n\n
He is completely incapable of perceiving the numerous flaws with his short-sighted plan, and only time will tell what fate will befall him...<\/p>","illustrator":"RaineBeau","illustratorUrl":"","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/stalker-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/stalker.png","name":"Stalker"}]},{"name":"Rei Ando","role":"Bakery Owner","status":"Alive","personality":"Competitive","appearance":"Week 2","weakness":"Her Own Arrogance","description":"
Rei Ando, the owner of the Dark Delights bakery, is obsessed with the gothic lolita aesthetic, and incorporates it into every aspect of her life. She is so committed to the gothic style that she personally designed and handcrafted an entire wardrobe of gothic outfits for herself, and is completely unwilling to wear anything else.<\/p>\n\n
Her life's goal is to achieve global renown by establishing the world's most successful chain of gothic-themed bakery-caf\u00e9s. Currently, five are operating throughout Japan. Rei as meticulously designed every aspect of her caf\u00e9 chain, from the color scheme to the devilish mascot character to the smallest details of the gothic decor.<\/p>\n\n
Rei's obsession with pursuing of fame and fortune gradually caused her to develop several dark traits; she is ruthlessly self-centered, fiercely competitive, and prone to furious outbursts when things don't go her way. Whenever she opens a new bakery, Rei ensures its success through dubious means, secretly sabotaging nearby bakeries to steal their customers or force them out of business altogether.<\/p>\n\n
Rei's husband, Minato, is a gentle soul who disapproves of his wife's underhanded tactics, but reluctantly participates in them anyway, driven by love and a fear of losing her. Rei insists on orchestrating every detail of her world with an unyielding grip, and to this end, she has even designed and handcrafted every outfit in her husband's wardrobe.<\/p>\n\n
Because she strives for elegance in all areas of life, she is ashamed of her name - \"Rei Ando\" - because it is common and plain. Deeming her birth name far too mundane, she legally adopted a more \"beautiful\" name, and designed a fantastical persona to go along with it; while in her bakery, she is always in-character as \"Reisender von Andere Welt,\" the \"Die Prinzessin der Dunklen Freuden.\"<\/p>","illustrator":"RaineBeau","illustratorUrl":"","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/owner-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/owner.png","name":"Owner"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/baker-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/baker.png","name":"Baker"}]},{"name":"Horuda Umetsu","role":"Tool","status":"Alive","personality":"Fragile","appearance":"Week 1","weakness":"Bullying","description":"
Horuda Umetsu has been bullied at every school she has ever attended, from kindergarten to high school. She has always been considered \"weird\" by the other children; while some thought that she was merely awkward and gloomy, others felt that she was outright creepy and scary. Strangely, nobody has ever been able to articulate exactly *why* they perceive her in this way; the only explanation offered by the other children is that they dislike her because of \"the vibe she gives off.\"<\/p>\n\n
Despite many attempts to forge bonds with other people, Horuda has never been able to succeed at making a friend - not once in her entire life. She gradually began to feel that her \"fate\" was to be alone and to be mistreated by others, and so, she eventually decided that her wisest course of action was to spend her time as far away from other people as possible. Unfortunately, her preference for solitude has only reinforced her status as \"weird and creepy\" in the eyes of others.<\/p>\n\n
A lifetime of being mistreated by others has severely impacted her mental health; she is often preoccupied with very dark thoughts, such as, \"All the people who treat me badly should just die!\" and \"I wish I could kill all of the people who have made me suffer!\" Recently, she has begun to use artwork as an outlet for these thoughts, often sketching very morbid drawings of herself torturing and murdering the people who have tormented her in various bloody and gruesome ways.<\/p>\n\n
Some people are more \"fragile\" than others - just a gentle push away from shattering into a million pieces. When someone is convinced that they have lost everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose all reason to continue clinging to life; their mind becomes occupied by a single thought: \"Why don't I just track down the person who made my life so miserable, kill them, and then kill myself?\" This thought occupies their mind every waking hour - eating away at them until there is nothing left.<\/p>\n\n
Horuda has attracted the attention of Akademi's bullies, who have nicknamed her \"Horuda Puresu\" - a term that is meant to sound like the word \"Placeholder.\" The implication is that she has no intrinsic worth or value, and is nothing more than a \"background decoration,\" temporarily occupying a blank space that will eventually be occupied by someone more worthwhile. It's a basic and childish insult, but it's one that directly strikes at her deepest insecurities.<\/p>\n\n
If Horuda's reputation drops any further, she will be targeted by Akademi's bullies - and, although she might not show it outwardly, she would then develop a burning desire to find and kill the person responsible for damaging her reputation. Under those circumstances, this seemingly timid and docile girl could be transformed into a \"guided missile\" determined to take violent revenge on the person whom she views as responsible for her suffering...and then self-destruct.<\/p>","illustrator":"Kaito","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/d_hampiir","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/fragile-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/fragile.png","name":"Fragile"}]},{"name":"Bankotsuko","role":"Ramen Shop Owner","status":"Alive","personality":"Enigmatic","appearance":"Week -79,572","weakness":"Enchanted Weaponry","description":"
There is no shortage of books in the world that seek to enthrall the reader with fantastical stories of supernatural beings. These books are widely regarded as fairy tales for the entertainment of small children. But, on rare occasion, one might discover a book which emphatically insists that the beings from these stories are not inventions of human imagination, but truly did exist.<\/p>\n\n
This type of book - often at the cost of the author's credibility and reputation - makes the outlandish claim that mankind once shared the world with a wide variety of supernatural creatures who existed in significant numbers. However, these creatures could only subsist on human flesh, making co-existence impossible. Thus, the creatures were hunted down, nearly to complete extinction.<\/p>\n\n
Because these supernatural creatures disintegrated upon death, no credible physical evidence of their existence remains, aside from a small number of contemporary paintings that allegedly depict these creatures, and written accounts of supposed encounters with these creatures - all of which have long been debunked and discredited by academic communities.<\/p>\n\n
And yet, despite the dubious nature of these claims, there are those who choose to believe them. \"Occult Researchers\" - existing in small numbers, shunned by the rest of society - dedicate their lives to seeking empirical evidence of demons, ghosts, succubi, vampires, zombies, and any other type of supernatural being that is regarded as fictional by the rest of society.<\/p>\n\n
According to the legends that these researchers believe, these supernatural beings posed such a threat to mankind that grand academies were built to teach young men and women the skills they would need to slay monsters - including, by some accounts, actual magic spells. As usual, there is no physical evidence to support the notion that these \"monster slayer academies\" truly existed.<\/p>\n\n
Supposedly, Japan was once terrorized by paranormal beasts known as \"Oni\" until the 1800s, when a pair of elite monster slayers from the west arrived in Japan through supernatural means, and became almost single-handedly responsible for wiping out the entire monster population. This claim is not taken seriously by the Occult Research community, who have found countless holes in the story.<\/p>\n\n
Regardless of what is true or untrue, there is a portion of the population - however small - who remains convinced that supernatural creatures not only exist, but sometimes walk among us, masquerading as humans. Succubi and vampires - the most humanoid of all supernatural beings - have the highest chance of escaping notice...if one chooses to believe in such things in the first place.<\/p>\n\n
It is said that the only way to identify a non-human is to examine their pupils for unusual shapes...but, with the rising popularity of Saikou-brand cosmetic contact lenses, it is increasingly common for people to display unusually shaped pupils, thus making it unconventional to attempt to \"identify a supernatural being\" by simply pointing out the shape of a person's pupils.<\/p>\n\n
Supernatural beings do not show signs of aging after reaching maturity. If a person does not appear to age a day over the course of multiple decades, this could be seen as strong evidence that they are not human. Consequently, any supernatural being that is living in human society while masquerading as a human usually does not stay in one place for an extended period of time.<\/p>\n\n
However, there are exceptions. Occasionally, a supernatural being will find a place in the world where they feel so comfortable that they don't want to leave, despite the risk of eventually being identified as a non-human. These beings are usually benign; capable of subsisting without taking human life or causing harm to humans, and thus able to survive in human society without issue.<\/p>\n\n
And then, of course, there are even rarer exceptions - beings who possess the ability to use magic to charm humans into thinking, \"There's absolutely nothing weird about the fact that the lady who runs the ramen restaurant has remained the same age for the past 40 years. Nothing weird at all. She probably just dyes her hair and has an excellent skincare routine.\"<\/p>\n\n
Even rarer still are the beings who openly demonstrate their magic to humans, and yet are never identified as non-human. After all, can you really prove - beyond a reasonable doubt - that the ramen you got from that mysterious lady is what gave you a dream where you saw the memories of your ancestors? No, you can't; there isn't any empirical evidence...<\/p>\n\n
...and that's why Bankotsuko has managed to live for 1,525 years without being identified as a non-human.<\/p>","illustrator":"KattyStarlitt","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/kattystarlitt","groups":["Others"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/ramen-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/ramen.png","name":"Ramen Shop Owner"}]},{"name":"Kataba Aishi","role":"Doting Mother","status":"Alive","personality":"Devoted","appearance":"1989","weakness":"Criminal Record","description":"
Born in 1930, Kataba grew up in Imperial Japan, where her childhood was shaped by militaristic propaganda, extreme nationalism, and the devastation of World War II. She was 15 when the war ended, and the post-war years of her life were dominated by poverty, hunger, and disillusionment with her government and nation.<\/p>\n\n
In 1948, at the age of 18, Kataba became obsessed with a young man at her high school. She desired a relationship with him but faced competition from ten other girls who were also pursuing him. After using various methods \u2014 including lethal ones \u2014 to eliminate those ten girls, she confessed to the young man she loved, who accepted her feelings. However, her joy would be short-lived.<\/p>\n\n
With the war over, the United States' focus had shifted to their rising tensions with the Soviet Union, marking the beginning of the Cold War. Japan \u2014 given its geographic location and economic potential \u2014 was seen as a crucial ally in the region. The U.S. sought to ensure stability in the region and prevent hostile influences from gaining ground. For this reason \u2014 and many others \u2014 the United States maintained a presence in Japan in the post-war years.<\/p>\n\n
American intelligence agencies \u2014 especially the newly-formed \"Central Intelligence Agency\" \u2014 assisted Japanese police in investigating the mysterious deaths and disappearances of high school girls in Kataba's neighborhood. Their investigation eventually led them to identify Kataba as the serial killer they had been pursuing. However, before facing trial, she was offered a deal.<\/p>\n\n
During their investigation into Kataba's murders, the CIA had become genuinely impressed with her remarkable talent for committing various types of crimes while leaving almost no traces of her actions. The agency even started to perceive Kataba as a perfect example of the type of agent they needed for covert operations.<\/p>\n\n
After being caught, Kataba was offered a pardon for her crimes as long as she agreed to work as a \"deniable asset\" for the CIA \u2014 undertaking missions as a spy, an assassin, or whatever else the situation called for. Backed into a corner, with no way out and with very limited options, Kataba reluctantly agreed, under the condition that she would be allowed to continue seeing the young man she loved, and that he would be provided with the wealth necessary to live a comfortable life.<\/p>\n\n
After her recruitment, Kataba underwent extensive training from both Japan's intelligence apparatus and the CIA. She was taught new combat skills, as well as techniques for surveillance, counter-intelligence, sabotage, and covert assassination. Her natural abilities as a serial killer were refined and honed until she was a living weapon in the service of her new handlers.<\/p>\n\n
Kataba was deployed in regions of strategic importance, carrying out high-risk operations to ensure that stability in the region remained unthreatened. As a woman, she leveraged gender stereotypes to her advantage, going undercover in ways that male agents couldn't. When needed, she acted as a seductress, but always stayed loyal to her husband, who was patiently waiting for her back in Japan.<\/p>\n\n
Her missions included assassinations, espionage, and sabotage. She eliminated targets deemed a threat to her employers, dismantled hostile networks, and collected intelligence on foreign military operations. She did not enjoy doing dirty work for the CIA, but after experiencing the horrors of war firsthand throughout her childhood, she was determined to do everything in her power to maintain stability in the region and prevent the flames of war from re-igniting once more.<\/p>\n\n
She gave birth to a daughter in 1950, but due to the need to constantly visit other countries for long periods of time, she was absent for much of her daughter's early childhood. She was deathly afraid that her daughter would never be able to develop any love for her, and attempted to compensate for her long absences by spoiling her daughter rotten at every opportunity she had.<\/p>\n\n
By the early '60s, Kataba's age was beginning to catch up with her. She knew that her career was nearing its end. After training her successors \u2014 and one final mission in 1964 \u2014 she was allowed to retire. After that last mission, she was granted a full pardon for her crimes in the '40s, and was also paid enough money to live comfortably for the rest of her life.<\/p>\n\n
She has never spoken about what her final mission entailed, but sometimes jokes that she \"saved the world from nuclear annihilation in the '60s.\" She laughs heartily whenever she tells this joke...but, sometimes, she can be seen staring off into the distance with a melancholy expression on her face, as if she is thinking about sacrifices made by herself \u2014 and others \u2014 many long years ago.<\/p>\n\n
Given her violent history and dark past, the CIA considered Kataba to be at high risk of becoming a liability once she no longer worked for them. Shortly after her retirement, a sniper was dispatched to kill her \u2014 but, as he aimed his crosshairs through Kataba's bedroom window, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Kataba standing right behind him.<\/p>\n\n
\"You can tell your bosses that they don't have to worry about me.\"<\/p>\n\n
After this, there were no further attempts on her life.<\/p>\n\n
She has lived in peace since then, content to spend her days relaxing with her husband and doting on her daughter \u2014 no matter how old she becomes.<\/p>","illustrator":"KattyStarlitt","illustratorUrl":"https:\/\/\/kattystarlitt","groups":["Aishi"],"images":[{"url":"\/img\/characters\/great-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/great.png","name":"1989"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/great-agent-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/great-agent.png","name":"1950s"},{"url":"\/img\/characters\/great-young-full.png","thumb":"\/img\/characters\/great-young.png","name":"1948"}]}]